cabin fever beaters
I know the recent global events have left many of us in a position of solitude, where we’ve been discouraged to leave our homes unless we absolutely have to*. If you’re anything like me, this is causing a little bit of cabin fever! I thought now would be a perfect time to share a few of my favorite activities to keep myself occupied and productive, which in turn keeps my mood elevated!
Let me preface the following activities and ideas with this: We all must remember that not everyone who reads this blog has a newfound, wide-open schedule. Our healthcare workers, grocery attendants, service station employees, Postal Service workers, first responders, and many others are considered “essential” in these trying times. Please let’s keep all of them in our thoughts and prayers moving forward! To all of those people - WE APPRECIATE YOU!
Exercise! Exercise is one of THE best ways, in my opinion, to encourage wellbeing throughout times of stress. Luckily for us, we have an abundance of resources at our fingertips via the internet to find many different ways to get our bodies moving.
Open your windows. On days where the temperature is mild and the weather is gorgeous, I highly encourage you to open your windows and let some fresh air breeze through your home.
Find a new recipe, and get creative with your cooking! As we all are certainly eating more meals at home now, I encourage you to get creative when preparing your meals. Try some new combinations of spices and flavors, experiment with a new cooking style, or use this time to re-evaluate your diet and improve upon it.
Start, or finish, that book you’ve been meaning to read. Listen, truth be told, I’m a non-fiction book junkie. I absolutely love to order new books online and crack them open. There is so much to be learned about life, love, our professions, family, and really just about anything. I encourage you to grab a book and dive in wholeheartedly, learning something that can help you throughout your journey in life. What better time than now to get reading?
Stay hydrated! Not much more needs to be said on that topic, other than DRINK WATER.
Pick up a new hobby. Is there something that’s been in the back of your mind for a while that you’d like to try? Soap making? Learning a new language? Oil painting? Yoga? Photography? There are countless hobbies to explore (again, use the internet to dive deep, it’s a fantastic resource) in today’s time, and I encourage you to use some of your time at home to learn something new!
*Please follow all CDC and local guidelines and recommendations to keep you and your family safe during this time